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Self Managed Super Fund

Build Your Own Retirement

Wealth Advice

Family SMSF services

TMS Accountants have created Family Self-Managed Superannuation Fund services to suit your individual investment needs –  so you can start building your wealth in the right financial vehicle.

We handle Self-Managed Superannuation Fund set up, management, and strategies to ensure you are always making the most out of your total wealth.

SMSF Set Up Services:

  1. SMSF Strategy Advice
  2. Provide Statement of Advice
  3. Self-Managed Superannuation Fund Set-up
  4. On-going Running of a SMSF

SMSF Management Services:

  1. Ongoing SMSF Administration & Compliance
  2. SMSF Strategy Advice
  3. Contribution Strategies
  4. Borrowing to Purchase Property Using Your SMSF
  5. Borrowing to Purchase Shares Using Your SMSF
  6. Pension

TMS Financial Solutions Pty Ltd (ASIC No. 1274541) ABN 14 154 293 062 is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Merit Wealth Pty Ltd ABN 89 125 557 002, Australian Financial Services Licence Number 409361.

Eng Sivieng (ASIC No.245206) is a limited authorised representative of Merit Wealth Pty Ltd ABN 89 125 557 002, Australian Financial Services Licence Number 409361.

We are SMSF Specialists with the Self Managed Super Fund Association.

This is a symbol of excellence and demonstrates that our expertise in this area has been independently endorsed by the Association.

About our FREE 45 Minute Consultation

TMS Accountants offer a no obligation, complimentary phone consultation for all new client enquiries. We do this to give you the opportunity to discuss your questions, your circumstances, and to get a feel for how we could potentially assist you to actively grow and protect your wealth

‘ASK’ TMS For Family SMSF Setup


The first step in Family SMSF Setup is seeking out the right Advice. Our team of SMSF Specialists will first discuss your retirement plan and wealth creation options, provide a Statement of Advice and provide you several recommendations if you wish to proceed with SMSF setup.


The next step is the Setup, which involves all important ATO lodgements. We will start with creating your SMSF Trust Deed and Trustee Company with prepared minutes and required declarations. We will ensure your ATO application for your SMSF TFN and ABN is successful.


The last step is to Kick-Off. It's time to finalise the bank account you want to store your funds in and roll-over your existing superannuation. We'll also organise the Superannuation Gaurantee for employer contributions.

‘ACT’ Now To Grow Your Family SMSF


Add more funds to your existing SMSF with tax effective contribution strategies. Choose from Salary Sacrifice, Personal Contribution, Contribution Splitting, Excess Contributions and Superannuation Gaurantee strategies to start legally minimising your tax.


All established SMSF's have the potential to grow, and it depends on the investment Choice you make. We will discuss with you investment strategies, in-specie transfer and how to borrow from your SMSF to purchase property in order to grow your wealth.


Once your SMSF has grown and you are reaching retirement, it's important to work out the best strategies to Take your money out. Legally minimise the tax you pay on withdrawals, capital gains and more when you plan your SMSF pension with TMS.

SMSF Opportunities At Every Age

Age 30 - 40

  • Super Guarantee
  • Salary Sacrifice
  • Carried Forward Consessional
  • Personal Concessional Contributions
  • Business Real Property
  • Limited Recourse Borrowing Arrangement

Age 50 - 60

  • Super Gyarantree
  • Excess Contribution
  • Non-Concessional Contribution
  • Limited Recourse Borrowing Arrangement
  • Transition to Retirement
  • Low Rate Cap

Age 60+

  • Work Test
  • Account Based Pension
  • Non-Concessional Contributions
  • Account Based Pension
  • Capital Gains Tax Concessions
  • In-Specie Contributions

The BEST Wealth Tool

SMSF Strategies

A Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF) is a wealth tool you can use to build a comfortable retirement. Unlock the potential of your total wealth to open up new opportunities for personal investing, running a business and even family wealth.

It is important to understand that with any financial tool, it requires professional advice to maximise its effectiveness. TMS Accountants is a certified SMSF Specialist and we are able to assess your individual and family situation to work out what strategies are available to you to start taking advantage of your finances.

Some of the available opportunities to you –  whether you have a self-managed super fund already or are thinking of setting one up are as follows:

Using my SMSF to purchase shares was a no brainer. Why should I pay more tax than I have to.

Testimonial Item



Eng [TMS Accountants] helped me purchase my property using my SMSF and helped us plan out the retirement that my wife and I will be looking forward to

Testimonial Item

Peter & Jenny

Grocery Store Owners

Setting up a SMSF was easy and painless with TMS.

Testimonial Item


Loan Broker

Transfer Your Shares to a SMSF


If you currently hold shares or plan to invest into shares, an SMSF can be the perfect vehicle to hold them and legally reduce your taxable income. The contribution you make ($25,000 maximum per annum) is offset against your taxable income meaning you pay less income tax and you still keep your shares.

Transfer Business Property to a SMSF

 If you currently own business property, you can purchase it through your Self-Managed Super Fund. With your SMSF as the landlord, all rent payments are contributions to your superannuation and you are eligible for an initial cash boost through selling your property to your SMSF. This strategy also provides you a layer of asset protection.

Invest your Superannuation


A Self-Managed Super Fund allows you to take control of your superannuation and begin investing it. More importantly, your contributions into your self-managed super fund offset your taxable income so you can use more of your total wealth for your investments. Gain financial freedom with the right financial guidance to maximise how your money works for you. 

Taxable and Non-Taxable


A Self-Managed Super Fund allows you to take control of your superannuation and begin investing it. More importantly, your contributions into your self-managed super fund offset your taxable income so you can use more of your total wealth for your investments. Gain financial freedom with the right financial guidance to maximise how your money works for you. 

We’re Ready To Start Working On Your Self-Managed Superannuation Fund

TMS Accountants offer a no obligation, complimentary phone consultation for all new client enquiries. We do this to give you the opportunity to discuss your questions, your circumstances, and to get a feel for how we could potentially assist you to actively grow and protect your wealth